National Poetry Month

I decided to challenge myself and try to write a poem every day of April to celebrate National Poetry Month. I intended to do it for myself, but decided to share them in hopes of encourage others to be creative and playful.

The first one was just what flew out of me after writing two poems I wasn’t connecting to and trying to write “something good”. When I just decided to write what I know…. Well binge-ing came up and out.

The second one I heard the phrase “Life knows how to live here” from Janine Benyus in an On Being with Krista Tippett podcast (I HIGHLY recommend listening to this BTW). I LOVE this phrase and wrote it down. I decided to use it as a writing prompt to see what would flow through me with that inspiration.

Play with me. Write a poem or two. Share them. Or don’t. Let the writing come through you as if you are simply a channel through which the words… the ideas flow.

Don’t worry about it being “the best things you’ve ever done”. Don’t worry about someone else judging you. Don’t worry about being productive. Just be.


Christel Joy Johnson