Changes With The Season

Hello Friends,

First of all Happy Spring. Yesterday was the Spring Equinox and you know how I love living with the seasons! Our days continue to get warmer and longer. Life begins to bud and blossom. There is this energy that starts to burst forth. Nature is “cleaning out her closets” and I am about to as well. Both a physical cleanse, but just as importantly a mental and emotional cleanse. It’s time to start cleaning up all of my cluttered piles of Winter and get my focus and clarity back. I’ll write more about this later.

Mainly I am am writing to introduce a big change coming to CJoy Yogal We are going to be moving venues soon. While part of me is reluctant and sad that we have to leave the Carnegie space that has been our home for over 3 years now… I find it quite appropriate that the change is happening as we move into the Spring season. Plus, I am very excited to move into First Congregational Church’s Fellowship Hall (FCC). Since the moment I have moved here I have watched this church reach out to the community and support it in every way it can. From being the meeting place to begin rally’s and marches for peace and justice, to hosting warming shelters for underserved, to allowing various groups who don’t have a home meet here for donations. And soooooo much more. We are teaming up so that CJoy Yoga can continue to offer yoga to the community and their congregational and keep the price affordable so all can join.
*As always, if you or someone you know - can’t afford it - please contact me. No one will be turned away for lack of finances.

I’m also excited about the physical space. It’s not quite as aesthetically pleasing as being in a huge old historic library building with tall ceilings and wood carving, but I think we were pretty lucky there. LOL. It is however very spacious and has windows they want to take the film off so we would have natural light streaming in. There is a thin carpet so those of us with sensitive knees will have natural padding… I think it will be a lovely space for us to unfold into. Plus their schedule allows us to have all 5 classes in one location. Something we would not have been able to do if we rented space from the other places in town.

We will still be in Carnegie for 2 weeks. Then there will be one week off while I am out of town. We will then start up again in our new home. I will clarify dates below so you can have a “cheat sheet”. But to any of my friends who come in person… I will be announcing it and reminding us many times these next 2 weeks as to what is happening.

Tuesday, March 22 - Friday, April 1 - Classes will be at CARNEGIE (109 S. Palouse)
*Please note there is no class that Saturday, April 2 as I am getting on a plane that AM

NO CLASSES ~ Saturday, April 2 - Saturday, April 9

Tuesday, April 12 ~ Classes will be held in FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH’S Fellowship Hall (73 S. Palouse)
If you pull into the lot off of Palouse and park behind the church - you will enter a door on the back side of the shortest part of the building, which is the very east side of the building. That is Fellowship Hall. I will be coming outside to show y’all where to enter.

Brent Brown talks about the FFT’s. The F&%ing First Times. All of us will be trying to figure this transition out together. Where do I park? How do I get into the parking lot? Where is Fellowship Hall? Etc….. This is where our yoga practice comes into play. Hopefully we can all take deep breaths, take that moment to respond and not react, and maybe even laugh at ourselves for how tense these changes can get us. Me too Friends. I will not be immune to the FFT’s. As a matter of fact, I am already knee deep in them as I navigate this change.

Also to let you know - anyone who bought a package through P&R - those classes will still be honored at FCC. That said, please don’t purchase packages through P&R anymore as we get ready to transition. Anyone who will need to purchase more classes - we will be in a new system once we get to FCC. At FCC we will take cash or check only and the checks will be written out to “First Congregational Church”.

Will you still have classes in the park this Summer? Most likely, but let me get through this transition first and get through April and then we’ll talk :-)

Don’t get too wrapped up in all of that, cause we still have 2 weeks at Carnegie and then a week of vacation for yours truly :-)

Thank you as always for supporting me on this journey. I’m sure there is something I forgot. I’m sure someone will gently remind me as I am one girl with only 2 eyes and one brain to try to figure this all out on my own.

Before I sign off - I’d like to give a little shout out to Emily Asmus who suggested FCC and is helping guide me through the process. As well as Pastor Nathaniel, Gayle Kubrock, Leah Bailey and others there helping us make this happen.

And I would be remiss if I didn’t say THANK YOU to Angela Potts and her crew at The City of WW P&R. She has been such an amazing boss and a “yes” person. For 3 years she has been working behind the scenes to provide us with parks in the Summer and a indoor space in the Winter to call home! She is a BadAss and I will miss having her help me problem solve and make things happen.

Be well Friends! May all beings everywhere be well.


Christel Joy Johnson