Time To Slow Down And Begin To Turn Inward

Hello Friends,

I can’t believe we are knee deep into Autumn. I also can’t believe that the first 3 days of October were in the low 90s and high 80s in the Upper Midwest. But they were/are. My body is still trying to figure it all out. The sudden changes in temperature that ask it to show up in a slightly different way then the cues from nature we are used to.

Ayurveda teaches us that the seasonal transitions are the hardest times on the body. Particularly when we move from Summer to Autumn as well as when we move from Winter to Spring. I am trying my darnedest to show up for my body as we move into Autumn. One of the hardest transitions for me mentally and emotionally is trying to slow down my life and my schedule as I know the ultimate slow down is the dark season of Winter and I want to give my body time to transition into that. Holy CRAP is that hard for me!

Summer gives us longer days and more hours to do things. We usually take vacations and travel. We are out socializing with our circle and hiking and camping and… and…. you name it - we are doing it. So to change our mentality from that busy schedule of “going” to start to slow down - well it’s difficult for many of us. Especially when you are also using the busy-ness to avoid having to pause and sit with the discomfort. I can’t speak for anyone else, but there have been plenty of times when I have wanted to stay busy so I don’t have to think about my Mom’s illness. I am taking time to live in the discomfort, but I do notice the old pattern of wanting busy myself so much I CAN’T live in it. I need tools to help me.

I could also talk about how the temps are dropping in the N. Hemisphere and eating warming soups, or cuddling up with tea or books or a being of choice are helpful for the transition. Also helpful are warm baths, self oil massages, setting up a daily routine where to get up and go to bed at the roughly the same time each day. Where you eat your meals at roughly the same time each day.

But for me… those things start to fall in place once I have mentally practiced slowing down. I look for help from retreats or workshops or guided meditations or finding someone who can grab me and remind me to slow down and take a breath. Did I mention setting the timer for 5 minutes and simply doing soft belly breathing.

On this note… I have 2 offerings this month that I hope will help us all slow down and find the Abundance of Autumn as we turn inward.

1) This Sunday is the monthly Chakra TuneUp MiniRetreat

This will be me leading you through a 2 hour sequence with a focus on the Energy Centers (Chakras) in general and we will highlight the Second Chakra (Svadhisthana). This is the center of sensuality and creativity. We will focus on the pelvis and low back in our postural practice.

It is said that when this center is balanced, we can expect our relationship with ourselves and the world to feel harmonious, pleasureful, and nurturing. Join us on Zoom this Sunday if that sounds lovely to you. (Click on blue link above to find more info and/or purchase your spot.)

2) Restorative Yoga and Reiki

I am so very excited about this Retreat! I have had the pleasure of going to Marika Esarey for Reiki healing both in-person and online. She is so amazing that I went to her to do my Level 1 Reiki Training. Well… I get to collaborate with her at the end of this month for YOUR benefit!!!

We will be holding the Retreat near October’s Full Moon to harness the energy. Our time together will include Restorative Yoga (me), Reiki Distance Healing (as it’s own section as well as while you are in the Restorative Yoga poses) (Marika), Journaling with Prompts, and a Full Moon Ritual.

Our hope is that in our time together we will shift our focus inwards and towards simplicity--and allow it to heal us. That we will let go of things that no longer serve us. And to be able to follow nature’s cues and go within. Join us won’tcha!?! (Click on blue link above or the flyer at the top to find more info and/or purchase your spot.)

Christel Joy Johnson